Monday, January 6, 2014

13 Non-Beauty Favorites From 2013

These are my non-beauty favorites from 2013.

1. CVS
- I have a major obsession with walking around CVS and looking at beauty products. I know its weird but its my guilty pleasure.

2. The color teal/turquoise
- This was my year for this color. Everywhere I went this color was there. Love this color so much and I have an obsession with match everything I have to the color.

3. Starbucks
- I am a coffee girl. Three things I like about Starbucks: one, good coffee, two, gold card, three, nice people who work there (including the cute guys).

4. Author: Dee Henderson
-  Dee Henderson's writing makes it easy to get lost in her books and she develops her characters well. I like the O'Malley Series, Jennifer's Story, Kidnapped, Full Disclosure, and Unspoken (newest book, which I am currently reading).

5. TV Show: Nashville
- I like country music and drama shows. This show is the prefect combo of those two. The Nashville writers do a good job at portraying how relationships can get complicated but yet we still our bound by that interpersonal need.

6. TV Show: Chicago Fire
- Lets talk intense...this show comes back every week with something new and intense. The show does not fail to deliver each week and I am looking forward to Chicago PD.

7. TV Show: Law and Order SVU
- This season has been so good. The show never fails at drawing me in because the writers do a great job at portraying human nature. The show maybe another cop show on tv but to me I look at it more psychologically.

8. TV Show: The Big Bang Theory
- This show is my comedic relief from my serious shows. I like that you don't have to watch the episodes in order if you don't want to but it helps to get some of the dialog. Sometimes the science/intellectual stuff is over my head but I still love the show. Its just so funny!

9. TV Show: Psych
- I just love Shawn and Gus's bro-mance on the show. It kinda of reminds me of my relationship with one of my best friends. The show is also another comedic relief and its always funny.

10. YouTube
- This year I found some really cool things on YouTube like, beauty, crafts, podcast, shows, viral videos, science experiments, reviews, tips, parenting related stuff (I know weird but I find it interesting), music, tutorials, vlogs, and weather related stuff (if you know me you know I would subscribe to Tornado Videos). YouTube has exploded this year and I just can't get enough.

11. Boo Boo
- My bunny Boo Boo is just the sweetest thing. We had been separated for almost 3 years while I was away at college. Now that I am back its like I never left. I just love her so much and I can tell she loves me too. The other night she was sitting in my lap and fell asleep it was just the cutest.

Boo Boo chilling in the backyard. 

12. My Best Friends
- I would not have made it though the year with out my best friends. They were my sounding board, my support, made me laugh and cry, were weird with me, and kept me sane. I am so glad I got to know the 3 of you (you know who you are). 

13. My Degree in Psychology
- I graduated in July 2013 with my B.A. in Psychology. It is my most proud accomplishment. It took me 5 years to complete it but I DID IT! When the graduates walked down the hall to walk in, all the professors were lined up cheering for us, it was the best moment of my life! Ok I almost cried. I would not have traded those 3 years away at school for anything. I made some really great friends, learned a lot, and matured. It was a growing experience that has made made me a better person. 

Me pretty excited waiting for the ceremony to start!

Me and my sister after my graduation. I am so grateful that she was able to come out to celebrate with me. 

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